Here is the recipe exactly as given to us.
4 large potatoes
1 yellow onion
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
salt and ground black pepper to taste
2 cups vegetable oil for frying
1. Finely grate potatoes with onion into a large bowl. Drain off any excess
2. Mix in egg, salt, and black pepper. Add enough flour to make mixture
thick, about 2 to 4 tablespoons all together.
3. Turn oven to low, about 200 degrees F (95 degrees C).
4. Heat 1/4 inch oil in the bottom of a heavy skillet over medium high heat.
Drop two or three 1/4 cup mounds into hot oil, and flatten to make 1/2 inch
thick pancakes. Fry, turning once, until golden brown. Transfer to paper
towel lined plates to drain, and keep warm in low oven until serving time.
Repeat until all potato mixture is used.
Served with sour cream makes it even tastier!
Now just to find the missing ingredient!
By Mommy Melissa
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